Hi, I'm Soléo. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Since 2006, I've been helping people create a more free, fulfilling and fun life.
I specialize in helping business owners, professionals and driven individuals:
Find their Purpose
Transition to a Fulfilling Career
Start and Grow a Coaching Business
Manifest a Fitting Romantic Relationship
How might I help you?
Hi, I'm Soléo. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Since 2006, I have been helping driven, growth-oriented individuals:
Discover their Life Purpose
Transition to a more meaningful and enjoyable career/business
Improve their romantic relationship (or lovingly complete it)
Manifest an incredibly-fitting romantic partner
I also help fellow coaches build a business with a handful of high-quality clients by way of referral.
In essence, my big game in life is to help people become more fulfilled and free.
Consider my Coaching pg, About pg, Results pg and LinkedIn pg (below)
Hi, I'm Soléo. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Since 2006, I've been helping successful and driven individuals in the following areas:
Life Purpose
Career Transition
Romantic Relationship
I also help fellow coaches build their business by way of referral.
Underneath it all, my mission is to help people become more fulfilled and free.
Hi, I'm Soléo. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Since 2006, I have been helping successful and driven individuals in the realms of Life Pupose, Career Transition and Romantic Relationship. I also help coaches build a business by way of referral.
Underneath it all, my mission is to help people become more fulfilled and free.
Hi, I'm Soléo. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Since 2006, I have been helping business owners, executives and driven individuals in the realms of Life Purpose, Career Transition and Romantic Relationship. I also help coaches build a business by way of referral.
Essentially, my mission is to help people become more fulfilled and free.
Career Transition & Relationship Coach
Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Since 2006, I have been helping business owners, executives and high performers:
- Transition to a more meaningful and fulfilling career/business
- Improve their romantic relationship (or lovingly complete it)
- Manifest a truly-fitting romantic partner
I also help coaches build their business by way of referral.
Underneath it all, my mission in life is to help people become more fulfilled and free.
Here's my website if you'd like to learn more: www.SoleoMichael.com